Colleague Giving Campaign at TMH

Every year, Memorial Health colleagues have the opportunity to make a difference at TMH by giving back through our Colleague Giving Campaign. Whether big or small, these gifts have a great impact on our colleagues and the people and communities we serve. Your donation will remain local, helping fund initiatives to improve the health and well-being of your co-workers, friends and neighbors here in Taylorville and Christian County.

Colleagues who wish to donate to the TMH Foundation via cash/credit card, payroll deduct, or PTO can complete the electronic form below or download and submit this form.

How will my gift to the Foundation be used locally?

Colleague Emergency Assistance
As part of Memorial Health’s values, we are committed to the health and well-being of our TMH colleagues. As a result of this commitment, the Foundation has developed emergency funds for colleagues who are experiencing a catastrophic event with subsequent severe financial stressors.

Mammography Assistance

Since 2011, CUPS grants have provided nearly $70,000 in mammography assistance to patients in Christian County and
the surrounding area who are underinsured or without health insurance. Each October, TMH provides free breast cancer screenings for women who are uninsured or underinsured as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Taylorville Memorial Foundation provides funding to cover the cost of the mammograms.

Great Patient Experience Programs

Since 2017, the Foundation has made investments to enhance the patient experience which exemplify the hospital’s priority of delivering patient-centered care. Recently the Foundation has covered the cost to celebrate department milestones as great patient results are achieved.

Medical Technologies

Medical Technologies grants help purchase new equipment to help make our patients more comfortable and enable clinicians to provide a higher level of care. The Medical Technologies fund has aided in the purchase of a surgical scope, a device to help locate veins for IV insertions, 3D mammography system, infrared goggles that are used in the diagnosis and treatment of vertigo, blanket warmer, Clorox 360 Electrostatic Sprayers and upgraded laboratory equipment.

Healthcare Career Education Grants

Healthcare Career Education Grants helps students pay for
their education in exchange for a work commitment at Memorial following graduation. Applications for the Healthcare Career Educational Grant program are available to any aspiring healthcare professional in our region looking to return to Memorial with their talent and help serve our healthcare needs.

Professional Certifications

The Foundation is committed to helping TMH colleagues with their professional development goals by funding professional certifications. Donors enable us to provide grants to colleagues as they pursue advanced certifications. Investment in the skills and competencies of our workforce is an investment in the health of our entire community.