Gifts of all sizes are needed and deeply appreciated at Taylorville Memorial Foundation

Give Now

The Taylorville Memorial Foundation offers many opportunities for donors to share their generosity. No matter the amount or method, gifts to the Foundation are critical to improving the health of the people and communities we serve.

If you are considering donating stock, farmland, or entering into a gift annuity, please contact us at 217-707-5271. Donated funds help us provide up-to-date equipment, programs, and services to our patients and their families.

Planned giving typically involves a way in which a donor can leave money or assets to a nonprofit like the Foundation at his or her death. Planned gifts typically include bequests in wills, or gifts through trusts or life insurance. Planned giving usually involves the assistance of legal counsel. Planned gifts may go toward: educational assistance; equipment, technology and training; community benefits and grants; patient assistance; and community health initiatives.

To learn more about how you can support Taylorville Memorial Hospital through memorial and honorarium gifts, annual gifts, or planned gifts through an estate, please call our Taylorville Memorial Foundation office at 217-707-5271.