Community Health Needs Assessments & Implementation Plans

Memorial Health’s commitment to its mission to improve lives and build stronger communities through better health is reflected in the Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNAs) and Community Health Implementation Plans (CHIPs) developed by its hospitals. Please explore the links below to learn more about the needs of the communities in which our hospitals reside.

If you have questions, comments, or feedback on a CHNA/CHIP, or would like to request a hard-copy, please call 217-605-5008 or email

Current Hospital CHNA | CHIP Reports 

Location CHNA Reports CHIP Reports
Decatur Memorial Hospital 2021 Macon County CHNA Report 2022-2024 Macon County CHIP Report
Jacksonville Memorial Hospital formerly known as Passavant Area Hospital 2021 Morgan County CHNA Report 2022-2024 Morgan County CHIP Report
Lincoln Memorial Hospital formerly known as Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital 2021 Logan County CHNA Report 2022-2024 Logan County CHIP Report
Springfield Memorial Hospital formerly known as Memorial Medical Center 2021 Sangamon County CHNA Report 2022-2024 Sangamon County CHIP Report
Taylorville Memorial Hospital 2021 Christian County CHNA Report 2022-2024 Christian County CHIP Report

Past Hospital CHNA | CHIP Reports

CHNA Reports CHIP Reports
Decatur Memorial Hospital Macon County 2018 CHNA | 2019-2021 CHIP Reports Macon County 2015 CHNA | 2016-2018 CHIP Reports
Jacksonville Memorial Hospital formerly known as Passavant Area Hospital Morgan County 2018 CHNA | 2019-2021 CHIP Reports Morgan County 2015 CHNA | 2016-2018 CHIP Reports
Lincoln Memorial Hospital formerly known as Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital Logan County 2018 CHNA | 2019-2021 CHIP Reports Logan County 2015 CHNA | 2016-2018 CHIP Reports
Springfield Memorial Hospital formerly known as Memorial Medical Center Sangamon County 2018 CHNA2019-2021 CHIP Reports Sangamon County 2015 CHNA | 2016-2018 CHIP Reports
Taylorville Memorial Hospital Christian County 2018 CHNA2019-2021 CHIP Reports Christian County 2015 CHNA | 2016-2018 CHIP Reports

Community Health Implementation Plans Explained

Community Health Implementation Plans FY16-18 and FY19-21 Cycles

IRS regulations, mandated through the Affordable Care Act, regarding Community Benefit for each non-profit hospital, require that:

  • A Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is published every-three-years.
  • A Community Health Implementation Plan (CHIP) is published every-three-years.
  • The two most recent CHNAs and CHIPs (in addition to the current assessment) are available on the website.

At Memorial Health, a version of the CHIP was published on an annual basis through FY19. Recognizing the CHIP is required every-three-years in conjunction with the CHNA, we no longer published an annual CHIP in FY20 and beyond. We have issued our FY21 CHNA and FY22 CHIP, which covers FY22-24.

A Community Benefit annual report, highlighting the work we implemented to address priority health needs identified in the FY15 and FY18 CHNAs, is available on our website for FY16-FY21. The first year of the CHIP is included on the website for the FY16-18 and FY19-21 cycles. Additional years’ CHIP information, developed during the time we were publishing annual CHIPs, is available upon request.

For questions, please email


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