
The Memorial Health Obstetrical (OB) Hospitalist Program at Springfield Memorial offers the care and safety that you, your baby and your family will need for a healthy start to your life together.

Around the Clock OB Physician Availability

 OB hospitalists are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to assist you and your baby in having a safe labor, delivery and post-delivery experience—no matter the time of day or night.

Backup Support for Your OB Doctor

If you are under the care of an OB physician in the community, our OB hospitalists will provide backup support should a need arise and your OB physician is unavailable. They will communicate with your OB physician and work in partnership with him or her to take care of you.

Emergency Need for OB Doctor

If you come to Memorial with an obstetrical emergency, or if you don’t have an established OB provider, you will have access to expert care immediately when you arrive at Memorial Health hospitals for your labor and delivery. Our OB hospitalists are highly skilled in a variety of delivery techniques and are experts at providing emergency care.

Expert OB Care

The expert care and attention you need is always available with our OB hospitalist program. OB hospitalists can:

  • Evaluate the progress of your labor
  • Review test results and fetal heart rate tracings
  • Monitor any problems
  • Answer questions you or a family member may have