Community Health Implementation Plans FY16-18 and FY19-21 Cycles
IRS regulations, mandated through the Affordable Care Act, regarding Community Benefit for each non-profit hospital, require that:
- A Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is published every three years.
- A Community Health Implementation Plan (CHIP) is published every three years.
- The two most recent CHNAs and CHIPs (in addition to the current assessment) are available on the website.
At Memorial Health, a version of the CHIP was published on an annual basis through FY19. Recognizing the CHIP is required every-three-years in conjunction with the CHNA, we no longer published an annual CHIP in FY20 and beyond. We have issued our FY21 CHNA and FY22 CHIP, which covers FY22-24.
A Community Benefit annual report, highlighting the work we implemented to address priority health needs identified in the FY15 and FY18 CHNAs, is available on our website for FY16-FY21. The first year of the CHIP is included on the website for the FY16-18 and FY19-21 cycles. Additional years’ CHIP information, developed during the time we were publishing annual CHIPs, is available upon request.
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