Memorial Wellness Center Telehealth

Not every appointment at Memorial Wellness Center requires an in-person visit to the clinic. Telehealth visits offer a safe, convenient option that allow you to connect with your care provider through two-way video technology. Telehealth is a great option for times when you need to see your care provider, but not necessarily in the office. You are not required to use telehealth, but it is another way we can meet your needs through safe, convenient care.

Not sure if telehealth is an option for you? 

Call our office as you normally would. Our colleagues will discuss your needs and determine if a telehealth visit is appropriate. If we determine we need to see you in person, we’ve made adjustments at our clinics to ensure your safety including screening upon arrival, required masks for all colleagues and patients, reduced seating and in-car registration that allows you to skip the waiting room. Below are some common questions we receive telehealth visits.

Who can schedule a telehealth visit?

Telehealth is available to any patient with access to a mobile device or computer with internet. When you call our office to schedule an appointment, our colleagues will talk with you to determine if a telehealth visit is an appropriate option for you. Telehealth is available during normal clinic business hours.

What can I expect at a telehealth visit? 

Once our team determines a telehealth visit is appropriate, our colleagues will set up an appointment time. You will receive a notification with a link and instructions for how to set up and access your visit. Instructions may vary depending on the type of device you are using. If requested, our colleagues can complete a test session to ensure connectivity and your comfort with the technology prior to your visit. When it is time for your actual visit, simply access the link as instructed in your appointment reminder to connect with your care provider.

What does a telehealth visit cost? 

Our insurance team will provide a detailed insurance quote, based on your specific insurance policy that outlines coverage for services.

Download Tips and Resources

Doximity Dialer: Patient Guide. Android devices. Apple or iPhone devices

Microsoft Teams: Tips for a Successful Visit. Getting Started on a Mobile Device. Getting Started on a Computer.